A Thinking Meme

Considering I was briefly pulled away from the InfoBlogoSphere and am currently busy catching up on all the news(?), a worthwhile blog meme is probably the last thing I need to expedite getting back up to speed. However, having been included on KuiperCliff’s list (Link) and finding myself both in excellent company and flattered by those associations, how can I not? So here goes with my five nominations for “Thinking Bloggers” (who also, I suspect, aren’t very well known):

  • ghostfooting – A librarian/writer giving a lot of thought to emerging information technologies. There should probably be someone like this on a few design teams; a kind of free radical. Hopefully, he’s done moving around (you might recall him by his other/previous blog: ISHUSH).
  • Design Sojourn – If you want chum, head over to Core77. If you want a designer who engages people while trying to make sense – sometimes painfully – of all this stuff, head over to his blog. Process counts.
  • Simulation weblog – Maintained by someone working in the half-real, half-virtual world of simulation, some of what’s written goes over my head… and that’s a good thing afaic. I only wish he was more talkative.
  • The Meshverse Journal – This is a recent addition to my blog roll and if I could choose only one “virtual technology” blog to read, this would currently be it. I don’t doubt I’m going to learn a lot from reading this blog over the next year. There are others, but I don’t know of any that makes me feel so unprepared.
  • Technorati search – I follow a number of professional and popular blogs, especially marketing and business sites (but only because there’s so damn many of them). But at a certain point I feel I’m losing touch with the rest of the world. Probably the one thing that gets me thinking the most are simple questions or overlooked observations made by average people who don’t follow any of what I discuss here. To find a few diamond-in-the-rough insights, I have some Technorati search feeds to which I subscribe. If you’re not doing this, I highly recommend it. This is one kind of wisdom in the crowds that’s both available and worth searching.
  • Those of you I have “tagged” above, here are the rules of participation:

    If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. {Note – find the meme origin by tracing back through the person who nominated me: KuiperCliff. Do this because there are plenty of blogs I would have considered – like Architectradure which is already on my link list at right – but which can be found through following the links back.}

    Optional: Proudly display the “Thinking Blogger Award” with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).

    3 thoughts on “A Thinking Meme

    1. I’ve said it before: we need more Industrial Designers paying attention to what’s happening. As indicated in what I said above, some of what’s coming – and what we learn about it – is painful… in the same way that other industries and vocations are under an uncomfortably threatening assault on their livelihoods. Best for us to learn the ropes now rather than when it’s too late to deal with the situation. And the truth is, from what I’ve found, you’re one of the few even trying.

    2. Pingback: The Meshverse Journal

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