Nussbaum vs Kapor

After reading this comment over on Nussbaum’s blog (Link):

Just as corporations are discovering Second Life and MySpace, a big chunk of their customers are shifting to Facebook.

I couldn’t help but try to post a comment asking Nussbaum to explain how Facebook has an impact on Second Life. I’ve once again been censored (as has my trackback). But get a load of this exchange that didn’t get censored:

Ben Arent: “If its the next big thing, Why Don’t you have an account?

Bruce Nussbaum:Ben, I’m thinking of it. It’s all about time.

So Nussbaum has time to speak as an authority on these topics via a major media channel but doesn’t have time to actually learn about these things first hand?

Does he not realize how uninformed he sounds?

No wonder he won’t answer my earlier question about whether he’s tried Second Life. He’s probably getting all his information secondhand from BusinessWeek writers… who don’t seem to have a clue either (reLink).

Now, I hadn’t planned on calling attention to Nussbaum except I just stumbled across a post by someone hoping to use Facebook to sell some virtual property inside Second Life (Link):

Okay, time we put this Facebook thing to the test.

I’m trying to sell my waterfront land in Second Life so have just listed it on Facebook Marketplace. Let’s see the famed power of this ’social network’.

Gee, is he “shifting” or is he just mashing up a 2D social site with a 3D social application kinda like how Kaneva and the new MTV offering, “vLES“, do it?

I’d say we have some grass roots Innovation here, Bruce. Imagine that.

Meanwhile, at the MIT Media Lab/IBM conference “Virtual Worlds: Where Business, Society, Technology and Policy Converge“, Mitch Kapor is saying that 3D worlds are on the brink of mainstream acceptance (Link).

Now just hold on a second. Nussbaum says users are “shifting” from 3D Second Life to 2D Facebook, while Mitch Kapor is basically saying that people are moving to 3D… which, by the way, doesn’t mean giving up 2D.

So who do you believe? A guy who can’t be bothered to take the time to even try the applications he now preaches about on his MSM blog, or the guy “credited with making the personal computer ubiquitous in the business world in the 1980s“?

Y’know, I bet it hasn’t occurred to Nussbaum that there are people who will use Facebook’s API to link it to Second Life the way they already hook up other applications; most recently Twitter.

For all that talk about Innovation, it seems to me that Nussbaum just doesn’t have time for it anymore. Did he ever?

4 thoughts on “Nussbaum vs Kapor

  1. If he weren’t influential within the Industrial Design community, I wouldn’t care. Unfortunately he has a reputation for being an “innovation guru” and his comments get rebroadcast in design channels.

  2. I’m still surprise that people from the design community still reads his blog. The amount of blog rolling I still find targeted to his blog intrigues me.

  3. It does make me wonder. Perhaps it’s tied to the reason why ID hits such a low glass ceiling. The truth may be that designers would rather be led by the clueless than take control of their own destiny.

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