From Awful Bleeting to Awesome Bleeding, Scion Stalks the Sheeple


Leave it to Scion to create an online game (Link) where deviants get to “knock the stuffing out of” sheeple. Nice. And I really like the pop-up card effect. Beautiful effort.

So the question now is: will Scion also drop their xD vehicle into Second Life since they’re already in it (reLink)? Better yet, what about “sheeple” and “deviant” avatars (or should I say, “sheeple parts”)? Imagine the possibilities this raises. Will Scion push this into new, social territory? Will they leverage this effort across channels? I think they have a nice opportunity to do so.

Fingers crossed.

(Hey. Is that Jerry P in the upper right corner?)

via Core77 which includes comments by Scion’s advertising manager.

{Image screen capture from the game intro}

2 thoughts on “From Awful Bleeting to Awesome Bleeding, Scion Stalks the Sheeple

  1. Of course it is. A beautifully done, disturbing ad campaign that will probably resonate with the target market better than if it had been any less disgusting.

    What would make this really interesting, is if the idea came from the MoU camp.

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