Metacrasher Project Debuts {*Update*}

Via Trevor Smith’s blog comes word of something called “metacrasher”. From their press release on the site’s homepage (Link):

New York, New York- July 1, 2007- Metacrasher, Inc., a New York based company today announced the launching of the Metacrasher Project. The Metacrasher Project is a 3 phase project to initiate the connecting of all virtual worlds for commerce, content development, software development, by the creation of large networks of p2p and 3d web spaces that will communicate with the growing number of virtual worlds, MMOPG and any other kind of digital social network. Continue reading

Cinematech Interviews M Dot Strange

I first came across word of 2a03 / EgnartsTodM / M Dot Strange’s effort on the CGTalk forum some time back and mentioned his film, “We Are The Strange”, in a post last Fall (reLink). Since then, I’ve been following the YouTube conversation off and on, and when I learned of the film being shown in Second Life, as part of Brian Eno’s recent multi-reality event, I logged on to catch both.
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