ProtonMedia’s ProtoSphere

Getting caught up, I found an entry on Raph Koster’s blog (Link) of interest. In it, he refers to a review by Tom Crawford (Link) for an apparently new entry into the virtual world platform race: ProtonMedia’s “ProtoSphere” (Link).

Interesting and worth keeping in mind because some of what Crawford mentions in his Pro’s and Con’s sound reasonable and commendable (I’ve not tested this so I don’t know how accurate his comments are, but will take him at his word).
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A Thinking Meme

Considering I was briefly pulled away from the InfoBlogoSphere and am currently busy catching up on all the news(?), a worthwhile blog meme is probably the last thing I need to expedite getting back up to speed. However, having been included on KuiperCliff’s list (Link) and finding myself both in excellent company and flattered by those associations, how can I not? So here goes with my five nominations for “Thinking Bloggers” (who also, I suspect, aren’t very well known):
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Admin Note: Back For More

Just a quick note regarding postus interruptus. Late last week I was approached with a request to do some point-of-purchase work; mostly taking some very rough concepts, generating Pro/E CAD from them, and exporting geometry into Maya in order to generate some low-level but presentable renderings (I also helped with design, but that wasn’t actually part of the arrangement).
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The Conversation and The Message

There’s a fair amount of buzz surrounding David Armano’s piece for BusinessWeek, “It’s the Conversation Economy, Stupid” (Link). I believe a fair amount of the buzz is coming from BW’s hypemeister, Bruce Nussbaum (it’s good to be MSM). Not that Armano’s piece is bad. In my opinion, however, it misses what I believe to be a larger truth. A truth that even Nussbaum probably has trouble acknowledging; as I believe is evidenced by how he deals with the “conversation” on his pseudo-blog.
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