I’d started a longish entry yesterday tying together a post I’d read that morning over on The Meshverse blog (Link) with an article I’d read on The New York Times website (Link). I was tying them together by integrating a series of posts/comments I’d made earlier regarding what I view to be the future of Product Design (example: reLink) along with a “stellayan” concept example I’d provided some time ago (reLink). Because I don’t feel like spending too much time proofing and editing that post to make it easily digestable, I’ll just quote that example and move on.
For example, imagine that there was one virtual Blackberry that was connected to all the physical versions so that as people were using their devices, their interaction with the user interface was tracked: how many times a button was used, how much pressure was applied to the buttons, aso (this should sound similar but inverted to the kirkyan weapon example I posted recently – reLink). By mapping user interaction from numerous sources, a more efficient interface might be developed which could then be used to automatically modify the CAD model. That updated geometry serves as the 3D template for a new version; an evolving product that is mass-produced.
If you’ve been reading my posts over the last few months the pieces will likely fall into place. If you haven’t…