On Wikipedia, Citizendium, Accountability, and Reputation {*Update*}

This started off as a comment to something BusinessWeek’s Stephen Baker posted on Blogspotting (Link) regarding Wikipedia; about how it relates to the words beginning and, I assume, the ideas behind “We the People…“.

I’m not sure why I started down this particular thoughtpath. Perhaps it was my reading the text of retired Lt. Col. Andrew Horne’s radio response to President Bush’s own radio address. From the Chicago Tribune article (Link) providing that text: Continue reading

Homaru Cantu: More Designer Than Most Designers

C|Net has a fun question and answer article with food fabber and all-round off-the-wall chef, Homaro Cantu, someone I’ve mentioned previously on a couple of occasions (reLink). The piece, “For Chicago chef, it’s prepare, print, serve” (Link), describes quite a bit but stops short of the details many of us would probably like to know, but it’s still great reading. For desert, check out the accompanying gallery of images (Link).
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Why “Design Thinking” Makes No Sense To This Designer

{NOTE: Cheskin visitors can read my response in the comments section below the blog entry. Unfortunately, the Cheskin Added Value blog is not allowing comments to post.}

Consider this a continuation of my previous post (those coming here from O’Reilly might find it especially worthwhile – reLink) inspired by something written on the Core77 forum. Here’s the entire post by RAVE12 (Link):

Having been in school not that long ago I see it like this. 4-5 years of school is NOT that long to go from “Hey I think I would like to be a Industrial Designer” to ” Holy SH!#, I’m a professional”. You have roughly 8 semesters and at best you have 6 dedeicated classes to mock product design. the rest of the classes are fragmented parts of the whole (drawing, rendering, 3-D modeling, GD, etc.) typical you have one class a semster that does the full process summing up all the parts into one project. If you are a teacher with that limited amount of time to mold young minds into the innovative minds of the future which things are you going to spend your time on?
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University of Oslo Announces Evolutionary Hardware

Futurismic links to news elsewhere of the announcement out of Norway of an evolutionary system: a computer capable of designing better hardware for itself. From the Bit of News website (Link):

What the team has done is add evolution to hardware (Norwegian), all hardware that you and I have used so far is made the creationism way, it’s made and can not be changed at runtime through evolution. All changes to existing hardware have to be made through software.
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