When I read about this new employee-free convenience store (Link) yesterday via the Velcro City Tourist Board site, the first thing that came to my mind was how the Real and Virtual Worlds are really starting to mash up. All we need is for one of these Get & Go kiosk stores to accept virtual currency for people who are unaware of what’s happening in virtual worlds like EVE Online and Second Life to come face-to-face with the future. It won’t be people exchanging “game” currency for real world currency in the backend of some computer network, and it won’t be people using virtual bucks to order real things online. This is on the corner of Main and Exchange in Averageville. Watch the news coverage that’s sure to come.
Next up, automated Rapid-Manufacturing Marts. It won’t be long before we hear, “Hey honey, I’m stopping by the RM-Mart on the way home – need anything?”
{Image source: kioskmarketplace.com}