Transmachinima Baby Steps

Some few of you might recall some old pseudo-tutorial I’d posted on geocities discussing how machinima video and regular video could be merged (Link), or my earlier mention of some attempts (reLink) by people to use Half-Life 2 in that way. Well, I’d not seen a video for what I’ve been calling transmachinima until today. The above effort, mixing Second Life with real life, comes courtesy of New World Notes (Link). Between that and the other things I’ve been coming across, it seems as if the architectural community is really starting to embrace these technologies.

I’ve not checked to see if that HL2 thing ever materialized. I am going to search around for it though. And still no sign that the product design community is interested in transreality stuff, but I’m sure that’ll change in time. Meanwhile, I expect we’ll see plenty more of this sort of thing in the near future.

Seth Godin vs His CC License

There’s a ton of stuff going on in the world of intellectual property; from Steve Jobs’ “anti-DRM” letter to the whole Google slugfest which ranges from “Google versus Viacom” to “Google loves pirates”. There’s just too much to cover (though I did weigh in on the “Universal pwns” situation this morning while my site was down). Instead, I wanted to bring everyone’s attention to something I found rather funny: Seth Godin is asking people to NOT buy a book he licensed using Creative Commons (Link). Turns out he chose the wrong option and now some small company is making money off of his “ideavirus” by using the CC license as intended. Godin is trying to now somehow bring trademark issues into it along with… get this… ethics; as if the people sharing extremist views on either side of this polarizing issue has any of those left.

Scion Launches In RL and SL

There’s been some talk about “reverse product placement” (a phrase with which I take issue – reLink), so I assume there’s a “forward” product placement. Question now is whether there’s a “neutral”, since Toyota’s Scion brand is reported by Reuters – via C|Net (Link) – to be launching a couple of new cars simultaneously at both the real life Chicago Auto Show and inside the Second Life virtual world. This raises some issues. For example, how many real cars will drive interest in the virtual cars? Where is the fiction of traditional product placement when the virtual world is not perceived as fiction by the users? A brand that exists only inside a movie is not fiction to the characters in that movie. And now we have technology that permits a perspective that is similar to those characters. Yet this shift in viewpoint goes unacknowledged.
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Quantum Reality: Light As An Object

This is may not seem appropriate fodder for this blog, but I can’t think of anything more transreal than news of what’s being reported by the New York Times (Link – registration probably required). Here’s a clip from the relatively short article which hopefully is enough to get you to read the whole piece:

In a quantum mechanical sleight of hand, Harvard physicists have shown that they can not only bring a pulse of light, the fleetest of nature’s particles, to a complete halt, but also resuscitate the light at a different location and let it continue on its way.


Anyone else feeling like they’ve not made good use of their brain?