Yesterday I happened across an unfortunate thread on the soon-to-be-closed Second Life forum (Link) that called out what appear to be real life threats on another, SL-related forum (I won’t be posting links and you should understand why after you read more). Here is one threat posted under a thread titled “Kill Kill Dies Bitch!”:
Did MadmaG go to any SLCC’s? I am going to the next one and if I see her I am whooping her ass if I don’t shoot her first!
Anyone else wanna take a “stab” at her while I hold her down?
Read it ….
For those who are unaware, the “SLCC” is a real world event and has gotten sufficiently large to attract media attention. Here’s another implied threat posted by another user (maybe) as a poll titled “How to rape MadamG Zagato?”
How would you prefer to rape her or see her raped?
Take the poll then discuss.
I’d rather not post the options available.
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