Razor Forms and Words That Cut


I very recently started reading my first Ayn Rand novel, The Fountainhead. People have said that I remind them of something having to do with Rand, so I’m thinking I should read one or two of her books. Although just started, I happen to be far enough along to find the recent architectural critique of Libeskind’s Denver Museum of Art extension to be especially interesting and worth mentioning here (along with including this Link). There are times when I find product design and architecture to be especially alike, so this piece in The New York Times intrigued me; even more so after finding something on the PBS site comparing Libeskind with another architect, David Childs (Link). I think I’ll make some time to watch the associated video on the PBS Frontline site. I could use a break right now.

Lastly, I wanted to call out the photograph above. What’s nice about trying to give proper credit is that I go looking for the originators of the images I post here, and in this case it led me to the Bitter Bredt Fotografie site (Link). Nice stuff on their site and well worth a visit.

{*Minor update… forgot to add these when I posted this: there’s more coverage on Arcspace – Link – and I also happened across an article on Constructor Magazine about this and 3D modeling – Link}

{Image Copyright © Bitter Bredt}

2 thoughts on “Razor Forms and Words That Cut

  1. Tried reading the Fountainhead…just couldn’t get through it.

    It’s one thing when an author extols the virtues of the ubermensch, a la Nietzsche. It’s another thing when an author so clearly envisions himself or herself as the ubermensch (uberfrau?). I just couldn’t take it.

    And Rand’s propensity to see her characters raped and come to *enjoy* it…boy I’m so glad I don’t know much about what went on in Rand’s bedroom. It must have been a horror show.

  2. I’m only at the point where the architecture critic has just given some speech and his apparent influence is being showcased. I really don’t know much of anything about Rand. I’ve heard her mentioned frequently enough (even knew someone named after her), but it always seemed to be tied to politics so I didn’t find that sufficiently compelling to make me want to go read her work. Guess I’m in for an interesting literary ride.

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