Google Video For Now

I’ve been keeping an eye on Google Video for some time. Not because I intend to use it. And not really even because I’m interested in the content micro-video businesses springing from this new service will offer for download. I’m watching it because, for now, it’s the closest thing yet to an online system for distributing 3D files to the masses for home fabrication (I’m differentiating from services aimed at niche markets… like sheet metal fabrication people). What am I watching for? Reasonable content management and how the mass market responds to the service.

Already, I expect we’re going to see plenty more old movies and television shows on Google Video (and Apple’s service and elsewhere). And we’ll see plenty of poorly-made, independent video as well… enough to choke on (this comment goes back to my thoughts on a time-based Long Tail and the future ecoToroid – Link 1, Link 2, Link 3). But if the market decides to take advantage of good and reasonable offerings (like it did with Stephen King’s pay-per-chapter online novel), there’s a chance – perhaps a good one – that overall quality will decline; that voices will decide on their own not to speak. That’s not a “fer sure” thing, but a real possibility. And just like high-quality movies, good 3D models take real effort to create. Something that too many people who’ve never created one know nothing about.

Perhaps we’ll see an iTune’s style DRM system built into some future consumer 3D printer. But we’ll also probably see it hacked within hours. One can look at the example set by Lego, but then Lego allows their software to be hacked – not their hold-in-your-hand product. By their own admission, Lego has an eager stable of IP lawyers ready to deal with infringements of the tangible kind.

I don’t know what the answer is. But Google Video might provide some clues and perhaps some lessons. So for now I’m reading articles like C|Net’s coverage today (Link) and trying to see a future that allows me to have a 3D voice. Because I’m realizing now that ever since King’s failed experiment in trusting his fans, I’ve been silencing myself as well, or I’d already have 3D files available for download.