Interaction With Fame *Updated*

Via Blue’s News I caught this news over on gameinfowire (Link):

the Xbox Movie Showcase will feature free, high-definition, downloadable content from two of the most highly anticipated films of the summer:

The Xbox Movie Showcase content includes HD movie trailers, exclusive theme packs, and graphics allowing Xbox gamers to customize their gaming experiences

Now I don’t know specifically what it is that they’re including, but to be honest, I can’t imagine anything that holds a candle to this:

In addition, as part of this first-of-its kind agreement, stars of Paramount films, including Jack Black, will participate in Xbox’s “Game with Fame,” where gamers can enter for a chance to play a game online against their favorite celebrities.

That is how content will generate revenue. Marry it to an experience. Make it so special and memorable that people would enter a raffle to win it.

What someone needs to do now is make a toy head representing the actor which the celebrity can autograph. It’s something that is tangible and which people can’t easily forge. If the player wins their encounter, they get the autographed head; a trophy representing their experience.

Go hang that on your custom gaming rig.

{Update: I have to add this because it really shows the monetary power of fame. Via Boing Boing comes word of the trading power of an afternoon with an aging rock star – Link. Good trade by the red paperclip dude. Good PR for Mr. Nice Guy and one of my old favorites, Alice Cooper.}