Some time back I wrote a blog entry titled, “Converging Toys, Part I” (reLink) with the intention of writing a “Part II” shortly after. Needless to say, this follow-up is a long time in coming, but I can’t think of a better time than now, as it comes so soon after Christmas.
The big story of this Christmas season is probably Webkinz (mentioned earlier in my “Dawn of the Transreality Toys” post – reLink). I’ve been seeing blog posts and Twitter entries relaying everything from how popular the Webkinz product is (Link 1, Link 2) to how difficult logging into the Webkinz online world has become (Link 3, Link 4). An enviable problem to be sure, and one which I suspect we’ll see repeated as more toy companies explore this development angle and try to figure out how to replicate Ganz’s success. What’s notable, however, is how quickly Webkinz’s approach – tangible reality combined with a virtual component – has been embraced by consumers and other toy companies (Mattel’s BarbieGirls being one of the more heavily discussed since its announcement).
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