Dangerous Handbag

Flytrap Handbag

I should preface this entry with two comments:

1) the RepRap project about which I’ve previously posted is part of the Centre for Biomimetic and Natural Technology. Consequently, I’ve been reading increasing traffic on the subject of biomimicry.

2) I’ve always been fascinated by carnivorous plants (pitcher plants, sundews, and of course the Venus fly-trap) and as an industrial design student I even had a toy concept based on these things.

That said, via MoCo Loco I’ve come across a fun site. Eenamaria is a start-up handbag boutique specializing in biomimetically-influenced handbags. Very cool. Now just wait until they become functional… purse snatchers beware.

Where’s My Mood Ring?

There’s really nothing in this article, “Digital Fashions On The Horizon“, over on CNN that’s news to some of us, but posting the link here because it’s being covered by mainstream media… and that’s still of interest. I’m wondering how long before some journalist does a real interview with someone that makes a living doing virtual fashions (a couple candidates come to mind). Just wait til XBox 360 makes micro-transactions for player-created content a reality (assuming that the currently discussed, limited capability is breached; gamers are plenty resourceful). Or Sony’s new System Exchange comes online. There’s going to be an interesting little hiccup in the Real world when that happens.

Miyake Rules

People who know me (and that would in this case include anyone working at a department store where I have credit) know that I’m not much into clothes. Jeans and sweatshirt and some timberlands. That’s me. I don’t even care to wear black, which would of course be the designer thing to do, I suppose. However, I am interested in fashion because obviously there are relations to ID. And if there’s one name I know, it’s Issey Miyake. I mean, what other fashion designer… hell, just read this old article on Wired and see what I mean. Then visit his website. I was looking for a bit of inspiration and stumbled into his “Autumn Winter 2004-2005” Women’s section. Damn. That is a nice bit of web/interactive design.