The Niche of Mass

Joel Greenberg has a blog entry (Link) worth reading regarding Suzanne Vega’s upcoming concert inside Second Life. Some of what he’s getting at has come up here before (reLink). And of course scarcity is something I’m often thinking about, given my particular interests.

What I thought an interesting coincidence, however, was that last night I learned (admittedly rather late) that alternative rock band Smashing Pumpkins had played the scarcity card at least once.

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Virtual Meetings with some Meat

I caught an interesting article over on the Technology Review site yesterday to which I wanted to call attention. From “Unreal Meetings” (Link):

Harry designs virtual spaces that don’t look like the familiar world–his virtual meeting room looks more like a football field than like a conference room. He says his goal is to stop mimicking the physical world and start creating a new kind of space. Continue reading

Unreal Multi-Touch Music Interface

I happened across the above video of JazzMutant’s “Dexter” on the C|Net News blog (Link) last night and while interesting in and of itself a couple of things came to mind:

  • 1) from a design perspective, the lack of tactility seems counter-intuitive to me. The guy giving the demo specifically talks about “great ergonomics”, but as an owner of an old analog multi-track recorder/mixer, I have some doubts. Continue reading
  • Where Are The Industrial Designers?

    As some of you might be aware there’s plenty of blog press concerning Steelcase’s chair design competition in Second Life, so the obvious question is: Where are the Industrial Design blogs reporting about this competition? I can’t find any.

    Meanwhile there’s currently an “Extreme Sports Equipment for the Year 2020” competition (Link) on the Product Design Forums, and Core77 is busy promoting a “One Hour Design Challenge” (Link).

    Neither site mentions this competition. Neither of those competitions offers anything nearly as interesting as the Steelcase competition; regardless of whatever specific rules and guidelines come attached. And with Steelcase’s reputation one would expect student designers to be all over this competition. Apparently they’re not.

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    Gibson To Ghost Second Life

    Via Media Bistro comes word (Link) that cyberpunk author William Gibson intends to rez inside Second Life as part of a marketing effort to promote his latest book, Spook Country. From the Media Bistro post:

    Over the next few weeks, reports Penguin Digital publisher Jeremy Ettlinghausen, Penguin is planning a range of William Gibson activities in Second Life: screening his “fine and strange movie” No Maps for These Territories; Continue reading