MTV: One Avatar, Their World

I caught an entry over on Virtual World News (Link) calling attention to a clip on C|Net (Link) that smacked of public relations bull. From the short write-up on VWN:

MTV announced its dedication to the idea of One Avatar, One World in Jeff Yapp’s presentation at the Under the Radar Conference.

As Yapp said, “We have fairly ambitious plans. We believe in one avatar, one world, the ability to take your avatar, your personality, that three-dimensional representation of who you are any where you want to go.”

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Details from the Commonwealth

Earlier today I received an email from Zoe over at Commonwealth. Recall that I’d previously mentioned their latest show, Tropism: Commonwealth vs. Joshua Davis, in a related post (reLink). For images of the show, you can surf over to their online gallery (Link), but in addition, for anyone interested in limited batch production techniques and the way they were using modern rapid-prototyping tools to assist in the production of their pieces, here’s something Zoe passed along that’s well worth reading (I’ll dispense with the blockquote tags):

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Action and Experience In Second Life

The Second Life blogosphere is buzzing about the lawsuit SL resident and well-known virtual sex business operator Stroker Serpentine (real life Kevin Alderman) is filing against someone alleged to be infringing on both his copyright and trademark. The originating story is over on Reuters (Link) where the legal filing is also available for review (Link – PDF).

It’s an interesting case and one which I’ll follow, but it was – based on today’s “sharing” culture – entirely expected.
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