Via the Metaversed blog comes word of a post over on media agency Centric’s blog listing “The Top 10 Things About HiPiHi (Link)“. I won’t list them all, but will instead cull the top three I think matter most and list them in order of importance:
1) The Lag Monster
“10. It’s surprisingly fast. Even though it’s served from China, we’re seeing 75-100fps typically on a midline system. Of course, the maximum concurrency is low, so we’ll reserve judgement on heavier use for later.”
Arguably the biggest issue for any virtual world is going to be speed. Not so much having those kinds of frame rates, which are heavily effected by client side hardware, but the “refresh world” rate between world states such that when someone moves something inside the virtual space everyone else sees the change at least within something like 1/30 of a second (film fps is 24; most video is 30). If not, then the “lag” will may be too disruptive to the experience.
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