Beyond BusinessWeek: MSM Journalism Not Fit for a Blog {*Update*}

Has anybody bothered to read the BusinessWeek piece “Beyond Second Life” (Link)? I suspect a few have as I’ve recently seen mention of a new BW article while scanning over some SL-centric blogs. This is probably it.

Well, having just stopped by Nussbaum’s blog and finding (what else) heavy promotion for all things tied to what appear to be his pet “innovation” projects, I just read his gush about it (Link):

Reena Jana and Aili McConon did a wonderful job

Are you kidding me? Is that what qualifies as journalism today? Unbelievable.
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Google’s 2D, Microsoft’s 3D {*Update*}

For those unaware, O’Reilly’s Where 2.0 conference is currently underway. I mentioned the conference somewhere in comments a few weeks or so ago because (big surprise) 3D technology was a topic on the event schedule.

This morning, while surfing through the O’Reilly Radar blog (Link), I caught word of Google’s new 2D technology… which is actually pretty neat. There’s nothing to download and you can find a good link on O’Reilly. Not the 3D stuff I was hoping for, but no big deal. I figure the swarmanoids will be here soon enough.
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Sense in the User-Created Divide

I’ve been following a thread over on Raph Koster’s blog (Link) that I wanted to call out.

The topic is user-created content.

The title of the post is “Quit being snobby about user-created content“.

You get the picture.

And I figure many of you can already see the battle lines. This debate isn’t new – neither for videogame developers nor many others. I can imagine craftsmen in the 19th century having a similar argument about mass industrially-produced product. I recall graphic designers in the 1980’s debating and expressing concerns regarding their own profession as desktop publishing came on the scene and empowered the masses. Same thing.
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