I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at a recent post over on 3pointD (Link) where the author, Mark Wallace, enlightens(?) readers with his “predictions”:
• Much of broadcast media will evolve to incorporate virtual worlds and geospatial technologies
• The display of information will take on three dimensions where useful, and we’ll find ways to make 3D models and worlds useful in more and more areas
• The physical world will stream digital information directly to mobile devices
• Lifelogging, geospatial technologies and the heightened expressive power of virtual worlds will make possible deeper communication between people
These changes will come on at varying speeds, of course, and in varying degrees, but I’m pretty sure, looking out at the landscape of technology in development, the corporations interested in that technology, and the people who are already using what we’ve got, that those and probably more are on its way. (Bringing game-like feedback systems into non-game contexts, for example, is another change that’s on its way, but it isn’t specifically 3pointD, so I’m not going to address it here.)
I’ll keep my comments… gentle.
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