C|Net Feels the Love… Kinda

A few days back while posting that long list of links and visiting those sites, I left a couple of comments on the brandsizzle’s blog post discussing Second Life, “Trends: Second Life et al —The Future of the Internet?” (Link). One issue I’ve previously discussed and which I raised on brandsizzle is “griefing”; in regards to the post and my point regarding it: that there is a distinct difference between creating what I call “3D commercials” in heavily-controlled virtual spaces like videogames, and attempting to place a marketing message inside a relatively untamed space like Second Life. The above video – which I guess could be called Not Safe For Work except it’s really too childish to be offensive – is the kind of thing about which I’m talking.

Regardless of whether Second Life is the “Future of the Internet” or not, it’s much closer than some of the stuff the marketing community is lumping in with it when they talk about advertising inside 3D virtual worlds/the future internet. None of those other big virtual worlds allow{ed} users to create content inside the virtual space in the interactive manner permitted inside SL. It’s that kind of uncontrolled freedom that truly differentiates the passive television era from the 3D internet of the future.

via Boing Boing

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