Second Life, Croquet, and the Next SL Future Salon

CAD inside Croquet

Since Sunday’s are always kind of slow, thought I’d post a link to this announcement over on the Second Life Future Salon blog today instead of during the week (I figure niche news lasts longer). The post concerns the scheduled appearance of Dr. Julian Lombardi, one of the people behind the open source vr project Croquet, at the May 26 SL Future Salon meeting within Second Life. I’m especially interested in what he has to say since Croquet is, in my opinion, ripe for some serious use in the near future. It’s not only open source, but the inclusion of CAD tools within it is even more exciting for those of use that use CAD in our daily lives.

For those who don’t have a Second Life account, I’ve been told that the meeting will be webcast live from within the simulation (maybe). News of that should be posted on the SLFS blogsite before the meeting. If you do watch the virtual meeting, look for me. I’ll be in the back row.