A Second Look at Second Life

Since this blog only went “live” yesterday (I’d disabled it’s pingback features until then) I was surprised to see someone outside my small circle of mostly disinterested acquaintances had stopped in to visit. Curious to know who, I paid Setpoint Originator a visit. It appears we have some things in common. More importantly, I noticed the two previous entries concerned Second Life, and so decided to pay a long overdue visit to its homepage and some other related sites. The one that really struck me was this blog entry over on Wonderland. The “Virtual Hallucinations” example reinforces my previous thoughts on Molyneux’s “The Room” experiment in that there are surprising (and perhaps startling) ways to use this technology, and makes me wonder if something similar couldn’t be coded into SL… perhaps the ability to create enclosed environments wherein more dramatic experimentation can take place. Just a thought. But of actually greater interest to me now are some of the virtual economic and social issues transpiring there. Worth a third look…tomorrow after a good night’s rest.