Brands In Games

Earlier this evening I happened to surf over to the MIT Advertising Lab website and catch a post on branding within Second Life (Link). Turns out that the blog’s overseer, Ilya Vedrashko, has started a new blog specifically geared toward branding inside of videogames and virtual worlds called simply enough, Brands In Games. If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time you know I consider this is a welcome addition to the blogosphere. I look forward to following his entries and suggest anyone interested in the future of branding keep tabs as well.

2 thoughts on “Brands In Games

  1. My pleasure. I suspect we’ll both be following his blog/master’s thesis progress. Now all we need is something about which I posted over on Nussbaum’s BW blog: video! I really like what MIT has done with OCW. Wonder if there’s any chance of this happening?


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