Going Virtual

Sooner or later this was going to happen: I’m now the proud owner of virtual beachfront property (probably as close as I’ll ever get to owning real waterfront turf). I’ve sent emails out which include a snapshot similar to the above, and now need to begin terraforming I suppose… well, after I figure out what I intend to build.

This certainly doesn’t look anything like the images of cyberspace I imagined while reading Gibson’s short stories (collected in the excellent “Burning Chrome“) or how Robert Longo depicted one of those shorts in the movie “Johnny Mnemonic“. I’ll admit I wonder why that is. There’s an easy answer: we just aren’t prepared for 3D spatial orientations that challenge years of experience about what we understand as “reality”. And then there might be another, simpler explanation altogether: we like sand and sun. Even if it’s virtual.